Differences Between Trademark Assignment and Trademark Licensing – Latest Guide 2024

In this article, we will explain the fundamental differences between trademark assignment and trademark licensing. Assigning a trademark transfers ownership of the mark, while licensing allows for sharing specific rights without giving up ownership. We will explore the meanings and benefits of each option before discussing their differences.

Differences Between Trademark Assignment and Trademark Licensing – Latest Guide 2024

Table of Contents

What is Trademark Assignment?

In India, trademark assignment is the legal transfer of the rights to a registered trademark from one party to another. The owner of a trademark registered under the Trade Marks Act of 1999 has the legal authority to transfer the trademark’s ownership. This transfer must be acknowledged, along with any payment or other form of compensation received in exchange for the assignment.

Types of Trademark Assignment

There are two main types of trademark assignments in India:

  • Assignment without Good Faith: In this type, the assignor (original trademark owner) puts restrictions on the assignee (new owner) from using the assigned trademark for goods and services that the assignee already utilizes.
  • Assignment in Good Faith: In this type, the assignor transfers all the rights and value of the trademark to the assignee. It represents a complete and unconditional transfer of ownership.

Benefits of Trademark Assignment

Trademark assignment gives several benefits as given below:

  • Each assignment is recorded in registry records which provide the evidence of the change in trademark ownership.
  • Assigning a trademark is faster than registering a new brand name.
  • It gives benefits to both parties. The assignee gets an established brand, and the assignor receives a fair price for the trademark.

Additionally, Indian law governs trademark assignments, providing clear guidelines (Trade Marks Act). Following these rules ensures a hassle-free and legally sound ownership transfer.

What is Trademark License?

In India, a trademark license grants permission to use a trademark for a specific purpose without transferring ownership. It allows the trademark owner (licensor) to authorize another party (licensee) to use the trademark in a limited manner. This is comparable to renting out a brand for a specific activity or within a designated region.

Key Points of Trademark License

  • Limited Rights: The trademark owner retains ownership while permitting others to use it under specific terms.
  • Royalties: The licensee typically pays the licensor a fee (royalties) for this privilege, analogous to a landlord receiving rent for the use of their property.

Benefits of Trademark License

Trademark license gives several benefits as given below

  • Expand Reach: It helps your brand to enter into new markets or products.
  • Boost Performance: It can increase business operations and performance.
  • Popularity Boost: By allowing others to use your trademark, it can increase its popularity and recognition.
  • Ease the Load: It reduces the workload for the trademark owner.

Differences Between Trademark Assignment and Trademark Licensing

Trademark Assignment:

  • Full Transfer: Assignment means one entity (the assignor) legally transfers the ownership of a registered trademark to another (the assignee).
  • Written Agreement: The transfer must be documented in a written agreement.
  • Complete Rights: The assignee acquires all the rights and control over the trademark.
  • Permanent Transfer: The ownership transfer is final and not subject to any time limits once the assignment is completed.

Trademark Licensing:

  • Limited Rights: Licensing allows a third party to use a trademark for a specific, limited period. The original owner retains the sole ownership of the trademark.
  • No Written Requirement: Unlike assignment, license agreements can be verbal, although written agreements are strongly advised.
  • Scope of Rights: Licensees receive specific rights for a set timeframe and within a defined area.
  • Temporary Nature: Licensing grants rights only for a temporary duration. Once the license expires, the rights revert back to the original owner.

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Trademark management involves two key strategies: assignment and licensing. Both options involve careful consideration. Trademark assignment involves transferring ownership, while licensing allows others to use the mark for a specific purpose. These strategies enable the brand owner to protect and manage their intellectual property effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In short, a trademark license gives the permission to use a trademark for a specific purpose without transferring ownership. It allows the owner to authorize another party to use the trademark in a limited manner.

In short, trademark assignment is the transfer of the rights to a registered trademark from one party to another. The owner has the legal authority to transfer the trademark’s ownership.


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